Monday, August 8, 2011

Three-handed Poker

Every time a new national crisis bubbles up I’m forced to wonder if it’s a real crisis or a politically manufactured crisis. The current S&P downgrade of the American credit rating from AAA to AA+ is no exception.

Consider, if you will, that the same S&P that helped Congress and Wall Street banksters build the house of cards that caused this mess, is now penalizing their partner for the result. Also, never forget that this administration has a well-established practice of manufacturing crisis after crisis in order to roll over any and all obstructions to fundamentally change America. Notice I said fundamentally change America, not American government which is what was sold to the wide-eyed swooning masses that seem to continue to hope, still.

This is a game of three-handed poker. There’s the Obama administration and a seemingly willing if not marginalized Congress playing one hand. Then there’s the Wall Street banksters who control the rating agencies, (S&P, Fitch, and Moody’s), playing a hand. And then there’s us. The taxpaying people that think we own our own property and wealth. Who thinks that the parasites aren’t working together and playing their game together to fleece the mark? Are we to believe that there is honor among thieves, all of a sudden?

Crisis demands reaction. Desperate situation require desperate measures. This president and the people he surrounds himself with have definitely demonstrated a willingness to push this nation and its economic system over a cliff in order to embrace the tenets of a modern version of socialism. This is serfdom, make no mistake. Central planners are pulling Obama’s strings and he loves being the tool that heralds the destruction of what he considers colonialism in America. Free market capitalism is on its death bed.

If we continue to sit, mesmerized by the cards turning in this game, we’ll end up broke, beaten, and receptive to the certain top-down solutions from this president that will ensure the demise of America and the future of the world. That may sound extreme, if you like to watch the pretty cards and guess what will happen next. In my opinion, we are the mark, people. And they’re openly dealing from the bottom of the deck. If we as a nation do not wake up soon, look for an “article 48”, {“Article 48 of the constitution of the Weimar Republic of Germany (1919–1933) allowed the President, under certain circumstances, to take emergency measures without the prior consent of the Reichstag. This power was understood to include the promulgation of "emergency decrees (Notverordnungen)"}, that will lead to the final death of liberty and freemen.

God help me to scream loud enough or find the right words that will resonate with the good people of my flailing nation.

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