To be fully appreciated, information presented by the majority of what has become commonly referred to as the “Main Stream Media” should begin with, “Once upon a time...”
I wonder, from what origin or place perceptions like this are born. How can truth become a variable perspective to some? For what purpose do these premises seek purchase among the realities derived of facts that we all are taught? Can we all be taught the same history, and learn different realities? What reason compels perversion of truth? My heart feels no comfort by any answers my mind can assign compatibly to these queries.
It insults intelligence and common sense to proffer that bearers of subtle revisionisms fashioned from willfully wrong-headed perceptions of the true actualities of historical life have good intentions. The creation of fear, for fear’s sake provides opportunity to divide and manipulate the weak from our midst. The weak are always targeted by aspiring predators. Predators exist for their own purpose, only.
If history has taught humanity anything, it is that dangerous and violent agendas spring from occasions promoted as benevolence that afford some power to persuade the good and honorable among us to acquiesce while naked ambition is foisted over good reason; upon the backs of, and at the expense of others.
Consider a recently stated, though not originated, proclamation: “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” – Rahm Emanuel. While ridiculous to most of us to embrace as actually wholly intended, the sentiment is real and as insidious as your first impression of the statement implied it was when you first read it or heard it spoken.
Will you wait until the predator is at your own door before looking away from whatever distraction pacifies you and obstructs your concern for others? Are you willing to accept whatever is presented to you in trade for your integrity; your morality; your humanity?
I will not! My soul, though imperfect, is intact. I refuse to acquiesce in the face of self-serving subtle aggression of revisionist historians that would set themselves as more “properly educated”, and therefore to be valued above others, by presenting and promoting their own perspectives and interpretations as more pertinent than what I know in my heart. My knowledge, faith, and belief is the wisdom inside of me that cannot be diminished by argument.
Whether you know it or not, you have that same wisdom. It is the wisdom that God placed of himself within all humanity. It is that internal voice you’ve heard that makes you survive and protect others that you care about. It is not of any specific religion, education, or up-bringing. This wisdom is your connection to the universe. While you are unable to deny its existence, you may be able to convince yourself or be convinced by others that some other wisdom is more relevant than yours. But in doing so, you become accomplice to your own devaluation.
Bob Dylan said in a song, “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” Just because we all can agree on the inherent reality of that statement, doesn’t mean that there aren’t some that receive weather reportage as if it were delivered upon us all as from some all-seeing and magnanimous oracle. All I’m saying is, avert your gaze from the “drug with a plug”, lift up your eyes, hang your head out of a window, and look for yourself. You might be able to reach some conclusions on your own that may surprisingly be in stark conflict with what you thought you knew just moments ago.