Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bad Kabuki

Kabuki theater has interesting cosmetics and costumes to distract your mind from it's bad actors and pointless contortions and unnatural gesticulations. I keep waiting for several in Congress to crack, shake their heads and declare something like "I just can't pull it off with a straight face, any longer."

Likewise, I find myself gobsmacked that an overwhelming majority of Americans are still more invested in American Idol than American freedom. One wonders how this all happened. How did the commonality in morality, ethics, and the appreciation for the Constitution of The United States of America become so tedious? How did distraction replace responsibility and accountability? Was it T.V. ? Was it venal opportunistic political expediency and power-grabbing by the too well entrenched insulated and isolated body politic? Perhaps it was some sort of evolution, natural or contrived, by mysterious forces in all of our lives that averted our collective attention from what we all have in common? I say it was all the above... and more.

America has reached a place in it's history that compels and affords each of us the will to examine our strengths and frailties. Too long has the silent majority acquiesced under illusions and assumptions that our individual and collective futures are protected by historical checks and balances. We've trusted in our perceptions that they were shared, valued, and respected as bedrock foundations from which our government navigated legislative processes.

We've collectively allowed the "good enough" to be the enemy of the great by listening to the argument posed by political expediters that we must not allow the the "perfect to be the enemy of the necessary." In short, we've lived individual lives that were just comfy enough to not pay close attention to our government's departure from us and our core beliefs, which are collectively conservative. The people of this nation are the most noble and compassionate on this planet. Historically, America has done more to improve the lives and futures of humanity globally than any other force, influence, or nation ever has, or ever will, when we are united by our majority's commonly held conservative values and dictum.

The move to the left in this nation, has been made by the powerful in politics only. The people of this nation have not changed their core values. They are losing the ability to believe that the future will be better than the past , though. We have been divided and compartmentalized into demographics and sub-sets for the purposes of political posturing and pandering.

Consistent, unabashed and unapologetic REAL Conservatism must be demonstrated by the Republican party right now, in order to appeal to the nation. Not a watered-down, "moderate" version of what the left has defined as conservatism. We must take back our identity and live it.
We must stand on the backs of William F. Buckley Jr. and Ronald Reagan. Trust me, its a firm foundation built upon The Constitution of The United States of America and it will always succeed and create success.

The phraseology of "a perfect storm" is overused these days to explain calamitous mishandled events, elections, scandals, and corruptions. The art of the dodge has become more sacrosanct and revered than integrity. The truth is that excuses, regardless of how complex and vigorously expounded, are still just excuses. Excuse no departure from the truth, responsibility to the truth, or accountability for those that do. Conservatism cannot be wrought asunder by "Bad Kabuki!"

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