Thursday, March 26, 2009

Prey... or Pray!

There are predators. They walk among us and go unnoticed most of the time because they look just like you or me. They may or may not speak the same and dress the same as you do but pretty close. They probably eat the same food from the same stores and restaurant's. By all outward appearances, they are the same, except...

Except there is no place for empathy, sympathy, or compassion within them. Oh, they know what those things are. They recognize them better than almost anyone. Those are weaknesses to them. They see them as "tells" or signature signs of vulnerabilities that can be exploited. Like a wolf locks onto the slightest limp of a single spring calf out of a whole herd.

You may think I'm talking about monstrous robbers, rapists, or murderers... and I am. Maybe not the kind you're used to seeing on TV or in the movies that eventually take the perp-walk in belly chains and handcuffs, just before the last commercial break. Yes, they are predators too, just not the most dangerous predators.

The most dangerous predators prey on society as a whole, not just one at a time. They rob, rape, and murder the whole of society. They count on civilized tolerance and accommodation for diversity. They learn what you hold sacred, in order to manipulate you and the others that share your beliefs. They know that you value inclusivity and they know that is a tendency that compels each member of the group to make excuses before asking questions. Within that span of time is when they strike. Questions are not polite. Questions by two or more people, are conspiratorial. Conspiracies are bad. You don't want to be bad, do you?

Questions indicate perception. Perception is the product of thinking and theorizing. Theories happen when you try to explain why everything you know doesn't answer all your unanswered questions. Theories are supposed to make you ask questions until you have answers. If your gut is telling you that what you are being told, is crap... It's probably crap.

The most dangerous predators are quick to deflect questions. They expect to be questioned much sooner than they usually are. The scoffing smirk accompanied by a lighthearted inference about conspiracy theories is usually enough to deflect and delay. After all, who wants to be associated with such fringe loons, like the ones that think the moon landing and international space station are staged on a movie set somewhere in California?

Question everything and everyone that conflicts with your principles, especially the government. The professional politicians in the government really don't care about your happiness. They care about their own happiness and the happiness of deep-pocket supporters of... you guessed it, themselves. When they smile a well-practiced smile and tell you they are different, and only want you to be happy, doesn't your spidey-senses go off out loud? Even a little bit?

I don't have to name names here. You can plug in almost any name of almost any professional politician, lawyer, salesman, or actor. They are all paid to lie to you. Some of them are better at lies than others. The better they are at lies, the better they are a predation. We now have new and better tellers of lies telling old lies better to a whole new tide of first-time believers (prey).

The phrase "there's a sucker born every day" is the watchword of the day, every day for them and they are always on guard against being found out. Some of us recognize them for what they are and actually thought they were way too easy to see through, before discovering at our total disbelief and sheer terror, that half of the voters and all of the world's media believe nearly everything they say. I remember when it dawned on some of the newest predators and they actually realized that they were pulling it off. You could almost see the light bulb light up over their heads.

You don't have to subscribe to my personal brand of conspiracy theories but, at least decide to not be easy prey. Pray for ethical clarity. Pray for specific answers. Pray for simple and principled truth.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bad Kabuki

Kabuki theater has interesting cosmetics and costumes to distract your mind from it's bad actors and pointless contortions and unnatural gesticulations. I keep waiting for several in Congress to crack, shake their heads and declare something like "I just can't pull it off with a straight face, any longer."

Likewise, I find myself gobsmacked that an overwhelming majority of Americans are still more invested in American Idol than American freedom. One wonders how this all happened. How did the commonality in morality, ethics, and the appreciation for the Constitution of The United States of America become so tedious? How did distraction replace responsibility and accountability? Was it T.V. ? Was it venal opportunistic political expediency and power-grabbing by the too well entrenched insulated and isolated body politic? Perhaps it was some sort of evolution, natural or contrived, by mysterious forces in all of our lives that averted our collective attention from what we all have in common? I say it was all the above... and more.

America has reached a place in it's history that compels and affords each of us the will to examine our strengths and frailties. Too long has the silent majority acquiesced under illusions and assumptions that our individual and collective futures are protected by historical checks and balances. We've trusted in our perceptions that they were shared, valued, and respected as bedrock foundations from which our government navigated legislative processes.

We've collectively allowed the "good enough" to be the enemy of the great by listening to the argument posed by political expediters that we must not allow the the "perfect to be the enemy of the necessary." In short, we've lived individual lives that were just comfy enough to not pay close attention to our government's departure from us and our core beliefs, which are collectively conservative. The people of this nation are the most noble and compassionate on this planet. Historically, America has done more to improve the lives and futures of humanity globally than any other force, influence, or nation ever has, or ever will, when we are united by our majority's commonly held conservative values and dictum.

The move to the left in this nation, has been made by the powerful in politics only. The people of this nation have not changed their core values. They are losing the ability to believe that the future will be better than the past , though. We have been divided and compartmentalized into demographics and sub-sets for the purposes of political posturing and pandering.

Consistent, unabashed and unapologetic REAL Conservatism must be demonstrated by the Republican party right now, in order to appeal to the nation. Not a watered-down, "moderate" version of what the left has defined as conservatism. We must take back our identity and live it.
We must stand on the backs of William F. Buckley Jr. and Ronald Reagan. Trust me, its a firm foundation built upon The Constitution of The United States of America and it will always succeed and create success.

The phraseology of "a perfect storm" is overused these days to explain calamitous mishandled events, elections, scandals, and corruptions. The art of the dodge has become more sacrosanct and revered than integrity. The truth is that excuses, regardless of how complex and vigorously expounded, are still just excuses. Excuse no departure from the truth, responsibility to the truth, or accountability for those that do. Conservatism cannot be wrought asunder by "Bad Kabuki!"

Monday, March 2, 2009

Watch my hand...

I mean to live my life an obedient man, but obedient to God, subservient to the wisdom of my ancestors; never to the authority of political truths arrived at yesterday at the voting booth." -William F. Buckley Jr.

I find that so much of what Bill Buckley wrote needs to be required reading followed by some sort of oath of adherence by every single person with the big (R) associated with their name, whether they are voter or votee, appointer or appointee. Going one step further, some of them should immediately surrender their voter registration card and be issued a voting learner's permit that requires oversight and tutelage by a bonafide conservative, before screwing up anything else.

From the moment that John McCain was ordained by the media as Republican party presidential nominee, (well before me and 75% of the nation even had a chance to vote in a primary), it was clear the fix was in. Although I would have appreciated some semblance of the illusion that my vote mattered, many realized that some time wandering in the proverbial wilderness was likely. Conservatives had been kicked to the curb in order to court the new far left defined "middle-of-the-road" voter. (codewords for everybody not Republican) The thought being that the conservative base would be so terrified at the prospect of either Clinton or Obama, that they'd vote against either... not even needing to be concerned with who they were voting FOR.

That's when the RNC collectively abandoned the Republican base, political conservatism, and more importantly, responsibility and accountability to themselves.

All power surrendered to the Democrat party who are fulfilling every stereotypical tried and failed experiment of liberalism on steroids, the Republicans profess finding religion.

Now that they are politically toothless and have no alternative choice, they are loudly barking "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain," and "really, there's nothing up my sleeve."

Meanwhile, we cannot continue to sit on the curb with out lower lip sticking out, watching. We must not only get in the game, we have to change the game by coming together and proudly returning to our core truths. Real truth belongs to neither party. Real truth cannot be redefined as anything else, no matter how loudly or "eloquently" the lie is told.

How to watch a train wreck

OK, so I just can't stand it anymore! I have a damnable manifesto of reaction to what I see and hear these days, that has me standing braced in my living room, yelling at my TV. I expect little more from this writing than the cathartic unloading of the confessional. I have no illusions that my thoughts have any weight or value when expelled from me to you. If you're reading this, you have way too much time on your hands, or are bedridden. Either way, my sincerest sympathies go out to you.

We've watched with rapt angst as our nation and way of life have been attacked by enemies foreign and domestic. We've hoped our beliefs in our government would be realized. We've hoped that the American men and women that have found their way to the halls of power brokerage would be, at the very least, as smart as most of the rest of us. We've hoped that the illusion of representation included us. Folks, our hopes are of little consequence to anyone but ourselves. Hope, by itself and without proactive involvement, is an illusion held by people that have not yet gotten angry enough about the injustice surrounding them, (you know it does), to decide that the status quo is no longer good enough and that "good enough" is the enemy of great. That's when you feel your shoulder blades meet a wall. Expressions like "a line in the sand" and "enough is enough" ring with clarity inside your consciousness.

I don't know if I can totally and exclusively call myself a conservative or a liberal. I think I'm like most people on this planet, just a guy tryin' to do better at livin' my life than I did yesterday. That comes with trying to understand and incorporate all my experiences into an understanding of the world and my little place in it, that affords me some trust in my perception of wisdom. Admittedly, that is a full-time challenge. I'll also admit that I am unabashedly arrogant enough to convince myself that I can cypher out life's little realities, truths, and contradictions. Some of which, I'll try to put into words here.

With all that said, whatever I say next ought to be really really valuable, huh? I don't know if that is a very wise expectation for you as you read this, but here goes...

Is it just me, or was Chicken Little a prophet? Every Globally recognized Communist since Stalin has predicted the failure and defeat of the United States and Capitalism, from within. Most of us just cavalierly laughed and thought, "silly little nutball, how naive of you." Arrogantly, I personally thought, that can never happen. There's too many checks and balances in place for that to happen. We, as a nation are as out-of-balance as Germany was just prior to the Third Reich's coming into power. Are we the naive ones? Can this be happening to us?

I know that I am really afraid of what could actually happen next. Nothing will shock me at this point. Talking heads relentlessly spouting well-crafted talking points and sound bytes that we all recognize as B.S. are indoctrinating the sheeple on the left, and mesmerizing the weak-minded that have been dumbed down by the last thirty years of decline in societal morality and discipline.

I remember a time when the media was a check on political party bluster, not it's primary asset. I remember when we all were a little sceptical when we knew we were being sold something. It seems that America has become a nation of addicts waiting for the next fix of anybody telling us we want what they are selling so that we can feel better. The result of that trap is the soft indoctrination that reinforces the sentiment that we feel bad and need to feel better. I think, sometimes, we should feel bad. Feeling bad compels people to change their circumstances, not have them redefined for us.

Words, ideas, concepts, ethics, morals, relationships, realities are all being systematically dis-articulated and reassembled by parasitic forces in our lives in order to make room for irresponsibility and a total lack of accountability. Dead is the inherent compatibility of "new and improved." Sometimes, and more often than not lately, the "new" is synonymous with the latest dilution or facsimile of what was. That depends on what the definition of is is, of course.

We have become a nation that abides conflict within itself and within ourselves. No other moden nation has willfully chosen its own decline and survived. Why is a nation of over 300 million, (not including the octi-mom's brood), allowing a hand-full of idiots to define the dumbest of alternative choices for nearly all of the most important decisions we make about our lives?

I think those of us with a little snap and the frame of reference to be able to recognize good from bad and bad from evil must now scream from the rooftops. "Stop that train... or at least get the next generation the hell off the tracks!"