Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The BBA Proposal is a Sales Job

It seems like eons ago, that I was in sales. As most people, I sought and consumed every bit of information on how to sell from the experts of selling. What one sells is really of no consequence. It’s the process… the steps of selling… that are highlighted in any sales program, course, or procedure that are intended to be learned, habituated, and practiced by the successful salesperson. I had a mentor and teacher that had sold everything from vacuum cleaners and aluminum siding to real estate and life insurance. He was a marvel to watch. He practiced and taught me the ten step sales process. Within those ten steps, (you can find variations of the ten step sales process anywhere), there were embedded processes that the salesperson used to achieve that step.

I said all that to say that more and more I recognize that whole sales process every day. But it is not from people trying to sell me widgets or wonders of life products. We are being constantly sold by our political leaders. They seem to see the voters that have placed their hope and trust in them and their representation, as merely marks, mooches, and deals to close. Don’t you often feel it too? When you listen to a news conference, listen for any the ten steps and you’ll hear them. One in particular that is very popular with politicians is called the “alternate of choice” question that is designed to lead the prospective buyer where the seller wishes. “Do you support my plan, or the status quo?, comes to mind as an example, while the obvious and appropriate solutions are intentionally omitted from discussion altogether.

Another of these alternate of choice mazes we are being led into right now is the “Cut, Cap, and Balance” proposal being enshrined as viable. This is a very dangerous plan being set in motion. Not unlike the seemingly ever hovering sword of Damocles that is a Con-Con, (Constitutional Convention), which somehow will not be vanquished by fact and sound reason, the proposed BBA, (balanced budget amendment), threatens to steal liberty under the guise of responsible legislation. This is total and unmitigating fallacy. To change our Constitution in order to advance some political expediency should be held as treasonous. We must stand against this effort, whenever it rears its ugly little head.

I’ll bet the ranch that every siding salesman that hears our president or many in our federal government speaking about their “plans” for our nation feels like they are sitting through a vinyl siding demo and close. When you realize someone is trying to sell you something and especially something you don’t want to buy, you become more and more guarded. Well folks, most of us feel so pressured with the “hard sell” by our political leaders that we all seem to acquiesce, agree, or resist.

I fall pretty firmly into the latter of the three categories more often than makes me comfortable. Nobody wants to feel all “bristles and barbs” all the time, and that is just another part of the psychology used. If one maintains a guarded posture, they are deemed conspiracy theorists or extremists.

We must not be restrained or coerced from resistance of bad ideology. We must stand together against the out-of-control expansion of government that is both unsustainable and survives at the expense and loss of liberty. Please, stand against bad “solutions” that are presented as the only alternative idea to other bad ideas. We are better than this. Our nation and its future is too important to not stand and engage, together.

Please read Publius Huldah’s blog posting on the dangers inherent in the proposed BBA. http://publiushuldah.wordpress.com.

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