Friday, June 10, 2011


Imagine being awakened in the night by the sound of breaking glass. You struggle to clear the Ambien from your blurry head. You ask yourself, “Did I really hear that, or am I still dreaming?” Your first instinct is to comfort yourself by making excuses and waiting… straining to hear more noises that might confirm or put to rest your fear. By then, it might be too late.

People are divided into three groups. Group One: Kharma is King - The “Oh, that’ll never happen to me,” crowd. They think that living by their honored credo of “live and let live”, will insulate them from danger. These are the people you see interviewed after a neighboring family is murdered that invariably say “that sort of thing just doesn’t happen around here.” These people are willfully oblivious to any contradicting statistics that say otherwise. Group One people just want to be left alone to graze and sleep and breed, in peace. They are safe knowing there has always been, and will always be a shepherd tending to all that scary stuff. This group usually lives by whatever personal morals or standards that they assume are held and appreciated by everyone. By in large, Group One consists of about 75% of the total population.

Group Two: Opportunity Knocks - The “never let a weakness remain unexploited” group. This group is always pursuing people from Group One to manipulate, coerce, or exploit to advantage themselves. Group Two members range from the modest entitlement parasite to the narcissistic predator, but they all merely covet, perpetually. This group thinks that morals and standards are for the weak-minded and that people that adhere to such archaic notions declare vulnerability and invite the consequences visited upon them by the corrupt. “There’s a sucker born every day”, is their standard. Be the hammer or be the nail is their life focus. Group Two consists of about 20% of total population.

Group Three: Warriors – The “Assess, adapt and overcome” group. This group’s members seem always to have their heads above the crowd, scanning the horizon, looking, smelling, feeling, and sensing the dynamics played out by people of groups one and two. They try to avoid getting involved as long as it appears to be mutually colluded but are compelled to intervene when right is assaulted by wrong… and they know the difference. They are the real leaders in society. They are the soldiers willing to risk dying to protect a way of life for their country, the police officers sworn to protect the innocent and keep the peace, the firemen that risk their life to save the lives and property of strangers. They are the ones that can see what needs to be done… and without hesitation, does it. The Warriors Group lives by firm morals, rigid standards, and a well-established code of ethics. Group Three consists of about 5% of the total population.

Now that you’ve decided to try to join the Warrior Group, let’s consider what we must assess. I contend that the current administration has already accomplished its primary goal. While everybody is busy trying to pick a replacement for 2012, Obama and his merry band of looters have absconded with trillions from the treasury to build their power base and army of revolutionaries, always knowing that they’d be replaced after the first term.

That’s why his team of players have all but returned or melted away back into whence they came already. He expects to lose in 2012. He’s planned all along to lose the presidency. That is why he has spent three years of creating crisis after crisis after crisis, to leave to his successor. That’s why he has not done anything to address the many real and pressing dangers that everyone asks why about. I used to wonder whether he was merely inept or intentionally ideologically dogmatic. He’s neither, I’ve come to believe. He is the current figurehead of Group Two.

Now, here’s the challenge we must take. We must look beyond Anthony Weiner, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media fluff and bilge. We must look to the horizon and see the threat. We must strengthen our number and prepare not to withstand, but to overcome the likes of Obama’s Chicago, Soros, and the Clintons. We need our eyes wide open and our feet planted firmly upon the foundation of the Constitution, our history, and a common knowledge of who America is and was meant to be.

We need to stand!